
Saturday 22 February 2020

Symmetry satisfies us

Symmetry satisfies us 
And coheres for our need for meaning 
and shelter in the world.
John O’Donohue:
Divine Beauty - The Invisible Embrace

This is today’s Monday morning shelter
Where I will either write or transcribe
Then taste bacon, on brioche rolls for hot dogs
Read out something which I have worked on
Then listen to others read out
The pieces which they have worked on

It won’t be all peace and calm
There may be disagreements
To counterbalance the joviality
I will be encouraged, even motivated
To build in more effect or innovation
To make more of my poetry
Than the poetry it once was

Of course sentimentality will hold sway
For we all do like to hear our own stories
But no memoir work from me today
Although I have found the once lost book
Misplaced as it was recently

During my trip to the monastery
With some shot at unification
I will keep things moving along
Preventing any fall
Into obsessive dialogue
Or worse into meaningless diatribe

Which satisfies no one at all
Better then to pour out the creativity
Create an ambiance to the work
Develop constructive interaction
With a sound ear for the especial
Which does dwell within everyone
Seeking, for its own sake, a safe outlet valve