
Sunday 1 March 2020

You lent me the word Conversation

You lent me the word Conversation
Which I would like to make more of
You sold me your House of Belonging
Which I would like to become my shelter

Your phrasing is familiar
I can hear you
As I read your words

The whole idea of one place
For one person
To invite many people

Yet, then
To be home for one person
Yes, that rather appeals to me

It offers itself up
As something I may once have had
As something I may have once again

Yet in this house already
There are many desks
Many places

For a quiet person
To write quietly
Or for an enraged person

To rant profusely
Or best of all
For one who is at peace to be peaceful

There are too many study books
On the peat herringbone Bowmore stool
Yet I am no intellectual

Nor do I have a strong deep memory
I forget the words
Almost as if I choose to discard them
In search of the more familiar shelters