
Wednesday 15 January 2020

It was in 1985 that

It was in 1985 that
Chris Drury created
Shelter for Dreaming
In Friston Forest, Sussex

We are now in 2019
You yourself might work out
How many years
Have then passed by

Chris’ work
Was a structure
My work
Is a pure indulgence

I was, in 1985
For the most part
Thirty-three years old
For my birthday is in February

During current research
Gaston Bachelard
In his Poetics of Space
Reminds me

For a knowledge of intimacy
Localisation in the spaces of intimacy
Is more urgent
Than the determination of dates

So where was I in 1985
And where were you, or where were we
We all might wonder, mightn’t we
Just as you and I might also remember

For that is surely
Where this work should begin
Doesn’t that need to be the starting point
For refreshing those most intimate moments

Available from Amazon

 See more of Christopher's Work Here
See more of Christopher's work Here