
Wednesday 5 October 2016


I left that place
Where I was alone
To move to a new place
Where I am alone

One place had loneliness
One place had peace

Still I search for both
When I am alone


Tuesday 4 October 2016


That this time
As the pen writes on the paper
Before the keyboard is tapped

That I might engage
In more than myself
To be with you for a few moments

Walking down the garden
I don’t want to say any more
Not just now

It is not the fear of flight
For I have often flown

It is not the fear of immersion
For I was often immersed

It is not the fear of crying
For I feel crying to be a brave gesture

But just for that moment
I had to stop
I was welling up, and felt quite hopeless


Monday 3 October 2016

Hemswell Cliff Antiques

I feel like a young man
But how old am I
They look like old people
But how young are they

Would it help
If we knew each others story
Would it make a difference
To make structural alterations
And provide surface decoration

I feel like an old man
But how young am I
They look like young people
But how old are they


Sunday 2 October 2016

What We Make Of Life

I am missing my half-way cup of coffee
It would have been about this time
Instead I listen to the dishwasher
And the upstairs floors creaking

I might forget the days
This one is a Monday
I won’t forget the nights
Still, quiet, aloud in passion

I had the dreams
Of a man on vacation
Engaging, satisfying, no trouble
And a few of my favourite people

Now the domestic noise is gone
And I listen to the wind
(Always thinking of King Crimson)
I look out onto leafless trees

Tomorrow will be aTuesday
Already the dishwasher begins again
The doves and pigeons are fluttering
The distant factory is in full production


Saturday 1 October 2016

More Or Less

The gloss is the gloss
The words have no more
Or no less meaning

The body is bathed in light
The same light today
As two thousand years ago

The reflections are the reflections
The thoughts have no less
Or no more meaning

The mind is bathed in silence
The same silence today
As two thousand years ago

The dreams are the dreams
The deeds have no more
Or no less meaning

The soul is bathed in love
The same love today
As two thousand years ago

The life is the life
The rewards have no less
And no more  meaning