
Thursday 18 April 2024

Donald Shimoda

Just along the A5

Past Weston Park

An early morning drive

Ripe to be surprised

Inner self or outer self

Collective unconscious

Or something deeper

Daffodils in bloom deep within

The sunken soul

Like a ghost

Or a drowned man floating to the surface

The movement was a continuum

Without jar or jolt, the rising

Om, Om, Om for a lost love

Later, in peace, quiet, calm, tranquillity

Om cannot resurrect

From the pit of the body to the tip of the mind

There is no traffic to carry the urn of any kind

The ashes have flown on the wind

Unable to rescind the cindered lingered candle

A flickering, flickering, sickening, failing glow

Extinguished, vanquished, decayed

A dying atmospheric orb

But it did happen

And for that I thank more than I can ever know

I write these words of thanks

To tell you, of what I do not know

Is that how the flower feels in pollination

Some union with an Albion of kind

Was it received or reciprocated or was it bounded

Then bandaged; was it unrequited love

Like the kite blown along the breeze

Or Donald Shimoda in timeless flight

It is a Messiah’s handbook which helps me discover

To recover the greetings of souls; souls meeting

Greeting together as deep below; below as above