
Friday 5 April 2024

Flesh and Rye

Around the maypole

Purple, blue, orange, yellow, multifarious garlands

Dance the dance of May, skipping in, skipping out

The maypole dance, skipping, sipping innocence

Or did you even then

Have your eye on V’s tie dye

Around the rounder’s base

Serge blue knickers, plimsolls and tee shirts

Pitch, swing, run, catch, throw, run, gasp, grasp

Run the rounder, round the son’s of innocence

Or did you even then

Have your eye on Y’s breast and thigh

Around the fields of canvas

Purple, blue, orange, yellow, beads and bandanas

Strum, chord, drum, strum, chord again

Strum the summer sun, summer sun of innocence

Even then it did you

Filled your eye, that festival of flesh and rye