
Sunday 14 April 2024

Watercombe; Thirteen years and more ago

And today in my mind I am revisiting

Just for you, oh, and also for me

I came to this place

Almost twenty three months ago

Then, as now, the sky was blue

The river tumbled and splashed

Like a poet planted

Some time before the snow

Blue, blue, big blue Friday afternoon

Beside the lonely, the only one, the River Erme

In between the then and now

Turbulence has been maintained

Turbulent mind, turbulent body

Turbulent health, turbulent wealth

From landing to leaving

Things were fluid and rolling

My head was full of love, my body was tired or alive

I was ill, I was well, I was poor, I was paid

The sheep graze these windswept moors

Lambs born amongst the driving rain

Alongside the gorse and the reeds

A crop cut grass pleads to grow

Those crazy beasts keep on mowing

There love-stock are dropped and fawned

Where it’s rough it’s ready

Why should we ever misconceive

And the bleat breaks

That waterfall of springtime silence

Alone amongst a thousand acres

Chasing after mother, after mother nature

No more whingeing or whining

Springtime springs once again

In a world beyond the shoulder

Whatever we can believe, she can give more