
Wednesday 5 March 2014

One or the Other

It is with the knowing

That in the coming hours and days, months and years, there are tasks that I have to accomplish, conversations that I have to join, that are not of my own choosing, not of my wish to be doing

And with such knowing

Comes my disturbance; a feeling of being unsettled, of being always behind the clock, of being left with no time just to be, of being unable to make any sort of decision, or commitment

This is a poem from Vagaries:
Love of The Key to Room 149
Available as ebook from Kindle
or as a homemade print book and audio cd from  poetryshop

Tuesday 4 March 2014


There was no one here
Yet quite suddenly
It is busy

There was nothing to fear
Even the past
Of dizzy Miss Lizzie

These are hill people
Hills and valleys
Grass to stream

Dry stone walls
Sheep farmers dream

Barns and bairns
At work and play
Tor-views to redeem

This is a poem from Filmic: Love of Our World of Purples & Blues

Available as ebook from Kindle
or as a homemade print book with audio cd from  poetryshop 

Monday 3 March 2014

Someone Else’s Song

It's always somebody else's airport
That have low priced flights
It's always somebody else's parties
That party on through the nights

I wouldn't get married again she said
Not that anybody's asking
I'm still paying for the last one
He didn't leave me a goddamned thing

But I'd like a week away
Even have a bit of a fling
Have me a few glasses of sangria
Wearing loads of bling

It's always somebody else's airport
That have low priced flights
It's always somebody else's parties
That party on through the nights

This is a poem from Filmic: Love of Our World of Purples & Blues

Available as ebook from Kindle
or as a homemade print book with audio cd from  poetryshop 

Sunday 2 March 2014


Into the conservatory
I might spend all summer
Taking breakfast here

I watch the grass grow
Marvel at the swoop of swallows
While my compatriots take tea and toast

The orange juice chilled
The starter table filled
With champagne and cereal

Beware of golf balls says the token sign
Beneath my broken
Double glazed bedroom window

I was working for the BBC
In a sort of time and motion study role
I watched; it’s no use, I can't remember any specifics

I do recall that some things were measurable 
Some stuff took just too long
So had to be bundled

I think it was all to do
With the move from London to Manchester
Although I might have worked that out later 

I wish I could remember the specifics
Maybe it's something to do with me unsuccessfully
Trying to buy Freud's book on Dream Analysis!

At this time
Slower than before
Less audio interference

This is a poem from Filmic: Love of Our World of Purples & Blues

Available as ebook from Kindle
or as a homemade print book with audio cd from  poetryshop 

Saturday 1 March 2014


On days
When I didn't
Feel like doing
Good things 
I would do
Good things

This is a poem from Filmic: Love of Our World of Purples & Blues

Available as ebook from Kindle
or as a homemade print book with audio cd from  poetryshop