The hotel is now a private house
Which is perhaps not a bad thing
For truth to tell it was not a great place
Although it did have direct access
To the beach, to the rock pools
Where the children went to discover
What the adults had already thought ok
This not being a Barrier Reef resort
Or a white beach, as may be found in Belize
Then what of the inhabitants of the property
Who have apparently spent 10 million pounds
On the modernist, minimalist conversion
Would they not be better advised
To have ten-thousand trips to the Maldives
Why do we return, what are we in search of
Especially if the memories are not of altogether good times
Yes, I know there was the day out to Samarès Manor
Which gave the opportunity for sublime photographs
Followed by lunch in their exquisite gardens
Of course I do also remember the midnight play
Where we shared Shakespeare’s sensitive excitements