
Saturday 14 January 2023

Awaken muscles once asleep

In the half dark space

Visions of silk, satin and lace

Empowered by love or loins fed lust

Imagine corsets and deeper dust

Stroke your ankles, kiss your thigh

Imagine a further high of trust

Caress your neck nape, kiss your lips

Empower your burnt off sulphur musk

In the half light

In a sacred space for two as must

Imagine skin and oil and velvet just

Kiss me on my pleasure, I am resigned

Tongues first tips, then full entwined

My hands onto your shoulders flee

Legs twist around our inner be

Squeeze the cheeks, seek and seep

Awaken muscles once asleep

Penetration, ejaculation

Tides turn to neap

With memories of oceans so so deep

Available on Amazon