
Sunday 16 August 2020

Methods For Compatibility

I am skirting too close to religion

As a non-believer

I know that I put myself at risk

For there is much of love and beauty

On their journeys and celebrated paths

Also in their ceremonies, churches and cathedrals

I could become enchanted

Some would say that I already am

Yet always I try to keep some distance

Even now, holding hands in thanks

For this day just joyously lived through

Or the day ahead inviting us to come on in

What is it, and why do I choose

To set myself apart from the crowd

However much that crowd might be dwindling

I do walk in to pray, similar but different to others

I am happy with the shake and swing of the incense

I care for the call and response of Benedictine chant

I have slept and eaten within the monastic walls

I read the stories of those they have favoured

And I do fear for their disappearance, sincerely

So I am pleased to help, in a small way, hoping that

My donations go towards their continuity of purpose

As, at the same time, I lessen my exposure to risk


Available at Amazon

Christopher's Website
for his Collected Works