
Friday 29 January 2016

Walking Up The Lane, Deep In Conversation

I could tell you of the birdsong
For it has been with me since dawn

I could tell you
Of the still-pond by the woods
Settled all day
Covered with the shadows
Of the overhanging branches

Of course the shadows move
Just as the day moves
Just as those young boys
Won't remember their games of tennis
When the young girls come along
Asking them to dance

We could have told you
The names of the birds
For once we did know them all
Skylark, swallow, thrush
We knew all of the birds
In the sky, in the trees, in the bush

We would have told you
Of our plans to dig out the pond
To create a dam in the stream
Blockading the water
Until it is deep enough to swim in
Rather than catch sticklebacks

Of course the old folk, walking by
They have more memories
They show us how to take time
How to relive memories, how to celebrate
Past and the present; just as two lovers
Caught up in the act of procreation

Available on Kindle