Most days I would try to write a poem; it is a practice, as I suppose is meditation, or smiling, or watching the world go by
Sunday, 3 June 2012
Supplements for all
That was
A bit odd
Don't you think
The Saturday news
A Thursday evening
The internet’s strange
A purveyor of what
Right now is happening
Before it's happened, then
Brings news half
A week after the event
…My mother's letters
They too were often
A week or so
In the writing
Then a few days more
Until she caught the post
Except those times
When the advertisement for
The Shackleton High Chair
Or the flyer for the
Dolphin Walk in Shower Bath
Took her eye
Surprised most of all were
The younger generation
Odd that we should think
That desire belongs the chosen youthful few
Odd that we are uneasy with the concept
Of the old not being ill at ease
Happy they too with advertised
Collections of China Dolls &
China Thimbles
With Saturdays post
And other days news
Left unopened
On the sideboard; lying beside
The well thumbed
Weekend supplements
As the repeats
Of previous repeats
Are replayed over
This poem is from the collection East of Lincoln Central available now on kindle - click on the text for details