
Monday 27 May 2024

Mighty Mosquito

Drinking Water

Smoking Cigarettes

Chasing midges, forsaking rest

Camel cigarettes

Subtle flavour

Packed in blue

Pesky, pesky midges

Mosquito’s cousins I guess

Here’s hoping, hoping I’m choking them to death

Because they’ve had three meals or more

They’ve caught me unawares

Teetotal non-smoker, the one, it is ‘he who dares’

The antisan cream

The disinfectants

Even  the Germolene

Plus this net of finest denier

This nylon stocking sheen

Simply inept answers to the awesome biting machine

So I’ve snapped it

Between the pages of this here book

A fitting death

I hope you will think

A fitting, close fitting death

He died in a single scratch of ink