
Monday 12 March 2012

Build up

It is as it is
Or it is,
as we would want it to be

There is a washing line,
of football shirts in winter
of cricket flannels, in the height of summer

There is wanting
in the young girls eyes
but sadness lays deeper with the mothers

There is an ebbing tide
of bottle tops and dinghies
of champagne corks cheerful singing

It is as it is
Or it is
as we would want it to be

There is a smile today
A tear shared with a handshake
It is a sad foray
Pain bared for the mind sake

It is as it is
Or as it wants it to be

The cries of anguish
Set aside in quiet quarters
Cries of inescapability
building up defences

It is as it wants it to be
It is as it is

a poem from the collection Some Trickier Poems - Love with Conflicts - available as a kindle download or library item by clicking here