
Friday, 19 May 2023

Sloven with wonder

If there was space to fill

Then for sure I would fill it

If there was a need for untidiness

Then I could no doubt be there

Even the photographs

Can be out of focus

Or unevenly lit

With an unmeasured depth of field

Yet the steam from the flue

Or the birds in the tree

Well they cope admirably

With their own sense of order

Thursday, 18 May 2023

More than alone

I sat beside the canal

Outside the museum

Writing in a notebook

Which I had bought

From the art gallery

I do have photographs

Though I do not know where

The notebook is anymore

Nor where are the words

I wrote on that day

Yet for sure

Much as on this day

They would have been longing

For someone

Altogether out of reach

Wednesday, 17 May 2023


I turn back to the 1st of December

When Compline began with Thomas Tallis

I go there to go back to Buckfast Abbey

Where the visits over many years enriched my life

The generosity and industry of Brother Daniel

Spiritual reflections of Gregorian chant

The pure contemplative peace of the rear chapel

The treacle tart with clotted cream in the refectory

I return from two episodes of Compline

Also after a search for my own spiritual music

Which wasn’t itself too too successful

But did take me to Centerpointe Research

A place, or a programme, used to assist

My meditation practice back in the day

Which of course means a time that I cannot

Pinpoint with any accuracy whatsoever

Other than the disks have stayed with me

They show a copyright of nineteen-ninety-three

As I settle into this minimal entrapment

To listen to the sounds through headphones

What do I hope to achieve through a week

Of Holosync practice; only time will tell

But I will report back, that I do promise

Unless of course I am told to forget everything

Tuesday, 16 May 2023

There goes the 9:37

There goes the 9:37

From Revesby

Out to the North Sea

There on this blue sky

Cold and frosty morning

Where life is indeed awash

Open the back curtains

Turn off the lights

Be at one with one

You have read the social media

But not yet blamed the news

As you put your day in context

Here you sit

Listening to Radio Three

Talking about the Franco-Flemish composers

Which in all honesty

Means next to nothing to you

Except today it is a mark in the sand

As is the fact

That you promised to tidy your room

Oh but that can happen later, can’t it

Monday, 15 May 2023

Already then a margin

Already then a margin

Already then a touch of gold

Already then a kindness

With the nerve of growing old

Already then the chagrin

Already then a letter to say no

Already then a hardness

With the debt of nervous bold

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