
Thursday, 20 April 2023

Exploration :: Abstract Form

Woken by the chatter

A slit to the window

Spoken words natter

Spilt from one to one

Park and city

Field of countryside

Names and faces

Lifelines to collide

Beauty; in the beautiful

Artists and collectors

We are humans, dancers

Open to the answers

With youth, and mature


Of social gatherings

We feel that life is passed on

Wednesday, 19 April 2023

Exploration :: Simple Form

I can hear the birdsong

This very morning I heard the dawn chorus

I do not know the names of many birds

Yesterday in the park, by the lake

Was it a Kingfisher?

Half hidden, chirping on the branch

Was it a Budgerigar in Richmond Park

I walk happily beside the trees

Talk of them being in and out of leaf

Although to tell the Silver Birch

From the Aspen don’t ask me

Nor to name all the species in the hedgerow

In the shoe shop; leather, bonded to the

diamond effect skin of a stingray

In the chemist's museum, a remnant from the

Great Barrier Reef, both explained after we

asked the simple question; what is it

We had a choice of twenty-seven beers

After no more than a few samples

We found one to our liking

Then passed on its name, to those friendly folk

From Ireland and Australia

Tuesday, 18 April 2023

In Search of Depth :: Abstract Form

Found, yet lost

Doing what has to be done

All the while

Contemplating the escape

Borrowed spaces

Transitory objects for ritual

Some touch

Of someone to hold on to


The deeper waves call

Open up

The routes for change

Walk Jon’s walk


By indeterminate steps

Being also, unassuming

Monday, 17 April 2023

In Search of Depth :: Simple Form

I have tried meditation, although I would not claim to be proficient. I started in a small space, upstairs in a one bedroom, rented cottage, early in the morning, before work.

Do you know that’s not quite true

I now remember something about The Natural Law Party, and the benefits of Transcendental Meditation. I do believe I signed up.

I certainly bought Holosync CD’s from Centrepointe Research USA, and joined evenings led by Buddhists.

Since that time I have bought many books about Mindfulness; or the Zen of quiet journeys.

My favourite teacher presently is Jon Kabat-Zinn; I have found his approach to be both elegant and straight forwards, he is welcome and inspiring; yet I continue to relapse, same as it ever was.

Sunday, 16 April 2023

Water, Stone, Grass And Sky :: Abstract Form

Being there, looking even

Although mostly, not paying attention

Yet wanting to be immersed

As if one could be, of something

Half within, the rest without

A group of moments

Carriages on the railway

As if one could be, entirely

Never then the objection

In seeking universal acceptance

In this, so approachable, likeable

As if one could be, found by