A stream of consciousness; definitions, and responses to the given meanings.
I am at my best when the task is to obey myself; I do see the blue skies, the red sunrises, the yellow sunflowers, the sensual shadows of bob-cut hair. I obey the desire to find peace, calm, stillness, love. Also the urges for passion; sexuality and sensuality of past and present times. I walk through meadows and on beaches; I taste the salted sea and feel the Mistral blow through my hair.
Today I sit, listen to The Temple of the Heart. My meditation quietens what otherwise might be a restlessness. In these strangely quiet times I am more than a survivor, I take joy from the beauty of the moment of these moments. I am asked to stay at home, and I will stay at home, I am here now aren’t I.
I am driven, always I have sought growth. First it was economic growth, to allow me to change and improve my circumstances. Next came technical and academic growth, to put myself on an equal or higher footing than those who I was aiming to compete with. Finally I have moved into personal and spiritual growth, to allow me to both explore myself and understand the various societies in which I already am, or would wish to be, embedded. This exploration confirms, and doubts, my faith in myself, in more or less equal measure.
The French Pantoum Poem
I am at my best when my task is to obey myself; I see
the blue skies, the red sunrises, the flowers
Also the urges for passion: sexuality and sensuality
of past and present times
I am more than a survivor, I take joy from the beauty
of the moment of the moments
I am asked to stay at home; I will stay at home, I am
here now aren’t I
Also the urges for passion: sexuality and sensuality
of past and present times
To put myself on an equal or higher footing than
those who I was aiming to compete with
I am asked to stay at home; I will stay at home, I am
here now aren’t I
This exploration confirms, and doubts, my faith in
myself in more or less equal measure
To put myself on an equal or higher footing than
those who I was aiming to compete with
I am more than a survivor, I take joy from the beauty
of the moment of the moments
This exploration confirms, and doubts, my faith in
myself in more or less equal measure
I am at my best when my task is to obey myself; I see
the blue skies, the red sunrises, the flowers
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