
Wednesday, 29 April 2020


My sunglasses are in the bathroom
I am in the beach cafe
There are stairs
And a lift between us

The lost money is now found
Safely placed in the safe
The test, if test it was, is over
I hope my response was proportionate

Already you are out to sea
Also yesterday
The boat trip to snorkel
With diving planned for Saturday

I will drink the Coca-Cola Zero
Then take a black Americano coffee
Watch the slight waves
Blow right to left

As if in a Chinese script
(Inscrutable to everyone)
Except perhaps yesterday’s captain
Smoking his continuous cigarettes

Available on Amazon

Tuesday, 28 April 2020

Maslow’s First Two Rungs

Could we not live
If not living here
Could we not be
Just to be

With what hope
With living near
There to see
How just to be

Yet if not here
Nor even nearby
The line
Could still be drawn

For would we not live
If not living here
Would we not
Give it our best shot

Available on Amazon

Monday, 27 April 2020

Time Shared

I would not
Write this
Without you

I would not
Be here
Without you

By this pool
By this sea
In this swish hotel

I would not write
Of the many blues
Of the oceans

I would not write
Of the sheer clarity
Of the sky

On this island of Rhodes
In this country
Of Greece

I would not
Write this
To confound you

I would not
Write this
Unless found by you

Available on Amazon

Sunday, 26 April 2020

Focus; Elsewhere

Eight minutes is easy
Any more than that is quite an effort
Which requires mind games
To distract or delay
The onset of lack of concentration

If one could visualise
Then one would visualise
If one could meditate
Then one would meditate

But if all that one can be is restless
Then restless is what one has to be
Yet here
In a three-session concentration
One could so so easily fall asleep

Available on Amazon

Saturday, 25 April 2020


The waiter knows how I progress
First a Coca-Cola Zero
Then, after penning a poem or two
It is time for an Americano, black

In this way
I have become a regular
Especially after
The diving lessons are concluded

The idyll
For idyllic it surely is
Arrived as my perfect destination
For which I am thankful

As soon as the crumb of cake
Lands on the sand
The sparrow swoops
To take it to a more private perch

Around the corner of the headland
A small cabin with a Swedish Flag
Or perhaps it is Greek or Argentinian
In any event it is blue with white

Available on Amazon