
Saturday, 4 March 2017


So I always sound the same
So you say I always sound the same
Yes you do say you do always sound the same

Always with that same tone
Always with that same expression
Always with the words mostly the same

So I always sing the song of love
So you say I always sing the song of love
Yes you do say you do always sing the song of love

Always with that same desire
Always with that same devotion
Always with the obsession mostly the same

So I always hold the same rhythm
So you say I always hold the same rhythm
Yes you do say you do always hold the same rhythm

Always with that same beat
Always with that same fluid flow
Always with the sensual-sexuality mostly the same

buy the book at createspace

listen to christopher read on bandcamp

Friday, 3 March 2017


I will be back in a minute
First I have to take a few photographs;
That first one was of Kate washing up
Which is why you could see steam
Coming out of the boiler chimney

And now she has brought me a cup of tea
I'm sat at the outdoor table (seating for six)
But mind you it would be for the best
If it was three couples and no one above
A certain size you know health and safety et al

I know there are lots of shots
Of the cricket field and yes I could not argue
That this week that particular place
Has become something of an obsession

It is in my nature of course to be obsessive
It's right there right at the root of my behaviour
Absolutely it is the kernel if you really want to know
Anything at all about me or about my lifestyle

buy the book at createspace

listen to christopher read on bandcamp

Thursday, 2 March 2017


This is the peace the kind of peace we wished for though we never did imagine this outlook or that I would be here explaining to you the eleven fielding positions on a full-size cricket pitch

And here's a ticking off for all those NIMBY protestors against windmills who would have robbed us of the sight of slowly turning blades which catch the light which bounce the light which share the light and which reflect it many fold to our distant destination

Also the sun is sparkling on the corrugated roof of the Road-Train which is sat listening to the chiming bells of the village church sat listening to the insects in the grass sat listening to the gulls over the cliff edge

As they too escape from the seafront where buckets and spades have been procured so as to build sandcastles on these wide open beaches

buy the book at createspace

listen to christopher read on bandcamp

Wednesday, 1 March 2017


In the July sun
Looking out across the blue across the deep deep blue

As the gannets fly trefoil gliding gracefully on the thermals
My legs gently begin to quiver it's all in the mind of course

As well as the reality
Of being suspended on a cantilever platform
With no indication of its weight limit

Or the depth of the fall
Should the whole thing collapse
Into the big blue below the bigger big blue below

Where the plentiful life within feeds the seasonal migration
Sufficient it seems for a quarter of a million seabirds
Who frequent this short stretch of coastline

Now back in the cafe
Once more on terra-firma the steadiness gradually grows
As we take tea outdoors in the mid-July sun

buy the book at createspace

listen to christopher read on bandcamp

Tuesday, 28 February 2017


In search of one space we found another for by chance as much as hope we discovered the hidden garden

I beg your pardon says I to the horticulturalist but are you open on Friday for that is when we leave and we would like to take some of your plants with us

For instance the grapefruit mint and the strawberry or banana mints o and yes yes the orange thyme

I've already thought of a place to place to put them it will need a bit of clearing up and a modicum of brickwork construction

But I promise they will be cared for as I intend in the fullness of time of course to begin making my own perfumes and a range of aromatherapy oils

I've read about base notes and high notes and those other notes in between

So you see your notes are just the beginning of a new lifetimes passion at least that is what I most sincerely hope for in this particular moment

buy the book at createspace

listen to christopher read on bandcamp