
Thursday 1 July 2021


The Medicine Wheel precedes us
Yet also
The Medicine Wheel received us

The silent space breathes
As we, together, or apart
Breathe for each other

Shelters and baskets
Well, they began much earlier
Than our shelters or baskets

Shelter being a basic need
Although love, love runs it close
Especially in my own world wilderness

As if in Connemara
Where to go is actually no foundation
For seeing Connemara

I was in Los Angeles
A couple of years before
Then in London, but that was later

Lewes will always mean
A place for meeting
Adrift of the Siberian winds

But now I am confused
The Shadow Stuff is dated
After the gallery visitation

Fortunately, Basket for Crows
Fits our timeline, precisely
Almost calling it as a time to revisit.