
Sunday 12 August 2018

Cube 2: Left, back, front, bottom, top, right

Kings Cross is our next stop
Buffet is in coach H
First class has complimentary service
We are now leaving Peterborough

Past the building sites
Buffet is in coach H
Past the industrial estates
Past the open fields with potato pickers

Past the drainage channels
First class has complimentary service
Past the ponds with reeds and grasses
Past the church, on its own, in a field

Past the church, on its own, in a field
We are now leaving Peterborough
With embankments to both sides
Past the open fields with potato pickers

Past the drainage channels
Kings Cross is our next stop
Flooded fields, long boats on canals
Past the building sites

Flooded fields, long boats on canals
Past the ponds with reeds and grasses
Past the industrial estates
With embankments to both sides

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