
Wednesday 28 June 2017


Mist hides the field head road
It lies in wait
For spring sunshine to burn it away

Freudian slip, as sixty-four degrees beckon
Freudian, Jungian; all the friends
Who have relationships with the psyche

The partridge picks away at the rape-seed
Oblivious to psychology and its drivers
Prone only to the trigger of instinct

Yet, what seems to be his best friend
(I always see them together)
Is a bird of such fine and loud plumage

Much as I, as a teenager
Wearing lime-green pantaloons
Backcombed auburn hair

Under a mauve fedora
Left the family home
At forty-one Field Head Road

I hitch-hiked
To my first ever music festival
On an island of music, and intimate love

available for kindle here