
Tuesday 19 April 2016

Fantasies: Movement 4

The pamphlet title: The A Road Numbers
Twixt home and work 
Where much of this stuff is composed
Word-wrecks that wrack around my head 
Before being committed to paper
Per se

Up and down the Wolds
Round the long and soft turned corners
Early in the morning
As the worlds day begins again
The procession is ever so
Truly, unruly, she’s duly being processed

Around half way
Just a shade of moments further
A breakfast stop
Bacon & eggs; some days the full monty
Occasionally a yoghurt drink
With fresh mango from the Caribbean

The tea time radio DJ
In casual conversation
Said he had not heard the word experiential
Not before yesterday; neither had his friend
I found that odd
That’s all this is. I hope you follow

free from poetry