
Friday 19 July 2019

In The Absence Of Any Reply

It's self-defence, to be kept in my cage
As the age of uncertainty lies on the page
It sure feels good, with somewhere to go
A space to meander, with nothing to show

I've worn myself out, I've come to the end
We have no future, on that I can depend
I'm off, I am away, in search of other roles
I shall seek out a quite different stipend

I only asked you for one message
The message that you never did send
Yes I am hurting, truth cannot be denied
But I will gather myself, I will attempt to mend

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Thursday 18 July 2019


I gave of my best
Now I am asking for help
That is why I cried
Yes there is a sadness

A deep badness
Resident in my bones
It is a madness

To chase the recapture
Of the throne
To regain the rapture
Of laying in your bed

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Wednesday 17 July 2019


It sure feels good to talk with you today
Not that it doesn't always
But today I feel pretty good
Today I feel pretty light
The air is fresh
It isn't really too too cold
Things are good
Yes, things are good with me today

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Monday 15 July 2019

Back Into A Different Reality

Setting off for work
I see a bus for Bristol pulling into Louth
Bristol and Westward Ho apparently
How long a journey is that I wonder
How far out of your mind
Would you go on such an escapade
And just how many people
From Louth in Lincolnshire
Are wanting to travel to Bristol
Or Westward Ho, this morning

Not that that would interest you
Not that that's got much to do with poetry
Except that it could be considered to be poetry
In the vernacular, or the vehicular style
But in truth
It's just the early morning mental callisthenics
Something to get the brain working again
After Adyashanti's meditation on the divine mind

This weekend we are going to Shrewsbury Folk Festival
Then, well then it's September
My boy might be coming to see me, or he might not
He's a bit difficult to communicate with I often find
A good job that his girlfriend is on the scene I do believe
This morning, for instance
She commented on Goodreads
That she cared for my review of Susan Sontag's book
Against Interpretation

I think she probably reads pretty good stuff
She clearly cares for the boy, enormously I would say
I would say that there is a real strong bond
Between the two of them
So much better to find your soulmate as a young person
To live out your life a little
Before making the big commitment

Not that I regret the way that we went about things
But as Jason Isbell sings: Those were different days

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Roads And The Riding Thereof

I have managed to steer clear of drugs and although alcohol is in my life it is there mainly in moderation, for which I think I owe thanks to my own words.

My words have helped me, also words by many and various people very much still do help me; I get great pleasure from playing with the words, both in the reading and in the writing.

It is The National who I listen to now, singing on the car stereo in the background, they are one of my favourite bands, and here they are singing a song called Afraid of Everyone.

I peruse on how true that is for most of us; we are all a little bit afraid of everyone don't you think, I certainly am, what The National sing sure rings true for me.

So what of the poetry on this Tuesday morning, what are the poems to be about; the roadside, the kerbs, the dividing lines, the clouds in the sky.

About the house for sale signs, the wondering why, or about nearing the motorway, entering the vast expanse of shimmering blue light.

Last night I was reading poetry by a guy who was going to buy himself a brand new Ducati motorbike, you might recall that we once saw one, outside The Rock Inn at Yelverton.

The poet was on a trip to the Italian factory, to witness his custom-built, limited-edition, highly prestigious motorcycle being built.

He wrote a couple of memorable lines, one about an Italian artist who embedded the spirit of silence in his paintings.

I will get out that line, I will recreate that line; the poet's name is Frederick Seidel, his latest book is called Ooga Booga.

I am also reading a book about the writing of poetry, about the poets and their constructions, admirably deconstructed for us by Jane Hirshfield, in her book Nine Gates.

She is a wonderful writer, who explains in intricate detail the cause and effect of many of the things which I have come across through sheer happenstance and chance; that and also through the many pleasure filled experiences of reading imaginative poems and poets.

Jane puts into words what I try to achieve with my own creations; maybe I am reading too much into her work.

Although some days I do honestly believe, that I do have a bit of the poet, somewhere secreted about me.

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