
Sunday 26 February 2012


Gold ring
telephone conversations
Lunchtime sings
we make our reservations

Can you
pick the kids from school
Can you
give them supper, you fool

Of course I will be home
aren’t I always
Yes I am alone
aren’t I always

Your signal is weak
(and so are you)
It’s an embarrassment to shriek
at Zombie Zoo

I’ll catch you later
Yes I love you
but no I don’t hate her

That was
a long time ago
Her office has moved
we hardly ever; say hello

My credit is running out
(and so is yours)
I didn’t mean to shout
only to even the scores

Gold ring
late night consolations
supper time sings
we forego our contemplations

Dreams are things
(I’ll share mine too)
For deep without
no love accrues

a poem from the collection Some Trickier Poems - Love with Conflicts - available as a kindle download or library item by clicking here

Thursday 23 February 2012


I so wanted to let go
in that moment of pure…
Worked up into such a state
O yes, I wanted to let go completely

Earlier, the chilled Mediterranean white wine
Escallopes of pork, slow grilled
with hints of Dijon mustard
The unsteady walk home, from two doors down
along the street of coronation

Kisses on strapless bare shoulders
stripped laughter dances across the moonlight
Other couples canoodling, sat on the steps
of Georgian terraced houses; we say goodnight, they
say good morning, we turn the key and climb the stairs

Worked up into such a state
with nothing left to question
I so wanted to let go
in that moment of penultimate release

a poem from the collection Some Trickier Poems - Love with Conflicts - available as a kindle download or library item by clicking here

Tuesday 21 February 2012


The easy words
arrive so easily
the tricky stuff, believe me

It’s the background see
council estates
cutting up rough
a wasteful education

Today the ploughman talks to me
a ring upon his finger
he talks of articulation
in the modern age of farming

He talks of the dust clouds
just before the tilling
He paints redness in the sky
and gladly fills the filling

We see no sardines of sadness
rake no artichokes of anguished memories
He says the easy words; he says them easily

a poem from the collection Some Trickier Poems - Love with Conflicts - available as a kindle download or library item by clicking here

Monday 20 February 2012


Corn stalks
frayed and broken

I am woken to be with you
hand into the breeze
shaded from the sunlight

Want no more
for fair or faint attention
Strengthened, poured out
as the tree, surely shed believes

Two turns in the worn and token tarmac
two lines away to the horizon
far into late summer’s sunlight

Want no more
for fair or faint attention
lengthened, laid out
as the casket surely grieves

Bushels of the futures
fine grained

a poem from the collection Some Trickier Poems - Love with Conflicts - available as a kindle download or library item by clicking here

Sunday 19 February 2012


I might have to write of nettles
of hedgerows swaying by the trees
The flight is almost over
from deep lows; weeping on my knees

Words have been read and written
the smitten vows
burnt in small degrees
burnt, without the smoke of leaves

Aiming for the settled
the settlement found me ready
Remember how my mother fettled
in posh houses, old grates to grieve

The weights of her love and affection
On her soft skin, in her soft voice

I have to write of those nettles
of being rubbed better
The stinging settled
by crumpled fresh dock leaves

a poem from the collection Some Trickier Poems - Love with Conflicts - available as a kindle download or library item by clicking here