
Wednesday 18 September 2024

i write to you

i write to you

you were there

then you were gone

you spoke the words

i loved to hear

i write to you

what love

is to be found

on the cusp

of our waking dreams

i write to you

i was there

then i was gone

i spoke the words

you loved to hear

i write to you

in plain type

in bold type

the poem appears

then disappears

i write to you

thankful for your gifts

of loving kindness

of absolute transcendence

to the worlds of love

Tuesday 17 September 2024

you were absent

you were absent

then you were present

you spoke the words

i loved to hear

in this way the alchemy was more

than the creation of porcelain

i was present

then i was absent

i rewrote the words

you loved to hear

in this sense the alchemy was way more

than the creation of porcelain

Monday 16 September 2024

on the very cusp

on the very cusp

of the closing bell sounding

clarity and sense and purpose

reveal themselves to be together

as the basis for continued love

in the presence of awareness

Sunday 15 September 2024

one story

one story

turned on its head

turned around and around

the players change

the players are rearranged

one two three

three two one

single pointed focus

variable pointed focus

with the camera snapper

the absolute winner

Saturday 14 September 2024

welcome to the paradise

welcome to the paradise

of our spacious awareness

the journey to nothingness

where nothing is ever

any more than nothing at all

where nowhere

is never anywhere nearer

than here and now