
Friday 13 September 2024

is there anything the matter

is there anything the matter


good day

how are you

where have you been

where are you going now

is there anything the matter

would you care to begin again


good day

how are you

where have you been

where are you going now

is there anything the matter

would you care to begin again

with love at the centre of our being

Thursday 12 September 2024




good day


good day

how are you


good day

how are you

where have you been


good day

how are you

where have you been

where are you going now

Wednesday 11 September 2024

i will forgive you one thing

i will forgive you one thing

if that one thing is god

which as a firm non-believer

is the ultimate sacrifice

Tuesday 10 September 2024

to wake

to wake

on the canal boat

beside your lover

with your son

in the next room

to sit together

on the deck

in the ethereal glade

where the morning dew

echoes the lack of disturbance

Monday 9 September 2024

on the cusp of understanding

on the cusp of understanding

where one line ends

and another begins

where becoming settled

is the very time for conclusion

yet tomorrow as today

the process

will be separated

exploring caverns in the darkness

always to find a light

as if

even without questions answered

a peaceful resting place

may evolve

as a psychological reconstruction