
Thursday 5 September 2024

now time

now time

at once wasted

with half-hearted suggestions

and altogether indifferent responses

no splash of perfume

or swirl of silk scarf

no splash of cologne

or dancing in the dark

amble on

in ample time

of resonance and recovery

along narrow country lanes

with high bramble hedges

where horse and cart

carried the harvest

when forgetful actions

left one all alone

Wednesday 4 September 2024

to set out

to set out

with hope

to wade

in cool clear water

to follow a path

mostly of my making

it is what I do

it is what I try to do

and if in this life

there is fear

of flight or fight

because my father

went away with another woman

and my mother

was heartbroken

out of her mind

in despair

for who knows how long

Tuesday 3 September 2024

to travel

to travel

through trouble

to wade

in turbulent waters

to follow

paths of others making

it is what we do

it is what we all do

yet in this life

no fear

of blowing off one’s head

because my father

did not do that before me

and my mother survived

her tablet suicide attempt

to live a fairly good later life

Monday 2 September 2024

to be

to be


or entranced

or entrapped

by the prospect of an afterlife

where to live out

your favourite dream

will last forever

without disturbance

or interruption

is it selfish 

to say yes i will take this

if all that it costs

is a daily prayer

and the living of a peaceful life

i will admit

to looking forwards

to the passing over

to looking back

on the wonderful life

of course I do wonder

if i am not a believer

should i be gifted

what others

have served their all lives for

Sunday 1 September 2024

i am aware

i am aware

of a desire or a need

for nothing at all

in that by having nothing

i will have nothing to lose

nothing is a bit scary

surely some things are essential

but unless one begins from nothing

how can the choices and the decisions

manifest themselves and materialise

i am aware

that each step counts

one after and one upon the other

just as they have in the past

to reach this new starting point of love