
Tuesday, 15 November 2022

On the main deck

On the main deck

By Muster Station ‘D’

Level with the swell

As we cut through the water

Travelling at quite a rate of knots

Past drilling rigs

And marker pylons

The TV is an old TV

And the passengers

Are mostly old

Because this is what we do

Cross places off

Of our bucket list

As if time alone

Is not time enough

Next year

A firm base

Solid with its solitude

Free from solitary loneliness

Monday, 14 November 2022

The island

The island

Is free

From Dutch Elm disease


What do I know

Of such a tree

Or its deathly illness

Why not stay for the summer

Here, there

Or anywhere

Why not stay now that you can

Yes, now that you can

For the very first time

One step left

Then take another

Quick step

Slow step

Finding love

In the repeat of commotion

Sunday, 13 November 2022

A line of clouds

A line of clouds
Cut, as with a knife
To rest
Flat side down
All the way along the horizon
Between that place
And this place
Twenty leagues
Or twenty fathoms of ocean

Now two birds
In unison flight
Outpace the boat
Of several hundred horsepower
We rise, we fall
We top, we tail
We have a pleasant trip
So the big screen reminds us

Saturday, 12 November 2022

The almost never-ending

The almost never-ending

Line of the horizon

As the ship

Sails perpendicular

At the absolute right angle

For time and distance

To be no time or distance at all

From the minor wave to the major swell

I am reminded of the rule of sevens

But, right then

Right there

A small fishing boat

With anchor dropped

On to the unseen sea bed says:

I am the one

Friday, 11 November 2022

One boat

One boat

One man

One noisy noisy dog

One island

One man

One quiet quiet life

Say hello

Say goodbye

See you again tomorrow

Go now

Go downstairs

Find the love

Of early mornings

Sat at the kitchen table

With pen and paper

And a mug of tea