
Friday, 25 February 2022

First Day Induction - Final Day Ceremony

The day of the novice
With a new life
Of dedication ahead

How to take this step
To enter into another family
What to leave behind

Stood on the wooden floor
Listening to the sound of the meditation bell
Watching the cremation’s wood burning

Thinking of love
Of all the love known
Of all the love gifted and given

How to take the next step
To find a new mind for memory
To visualise a subtle sublime emptiness

Stood on the mother earth
Listening to the breath
The in-breath and the out-breath

Thinking of love
Of all of the loving kindness
On this day, and the coming days ahead


Thursday, 24 February 2022

Mindful - Joyful

On this day you passed away
You, Thich Nhat Hahn
My second grandfather

In your 95th year
A new end to your meditations

Calm, Ease, Smile, Breathe
Present moment
Beautiful moment

Breathe in
Breathe, breathe out

Wednesday, 23 February 2022

Galvanised Tin - Extruded To A Tee

It’s slow time on a Sunday
With the way too hot
Black Americano

The old doorway is bricked up
But I don’t give a jot
For the distressed style

And the open tray work
Leading to surface-mounted conduit
Reminds me too too much of my youth

Dust naturally gathers
On the chain suspended Bose speakers
Music, like me, hanging by a thread

Tuesday, 22 February 2022

Well Observed - Many Stories Told

Eventually the snow falls
Snow and light rain combine
My first time
With time to simply sit and watch

Yet soon, as if my observation
Was not called for
Both snow and rain decline
As the light fades

And, as the sky darkens
The time available shortens
Time for what, do I hear you ask
As I question that thought myself

Maybe doing nothing
Could be as good a place as any to start
And then perhaps to grow, incrementally
Until we reach doing everything

Maybe by now you too
Are thinking about Jules Verne
All of those fabulous Phileas Fogg adventures
As he went Around the world in eighty days

Monday, 21 February 2022

Cast Iron Range - Cooking And Heating

Smokestacks and rampant flags
A winter’s day like any other
Remember your mother
How peacefully she passed
How contented her later days

Will that happen for you
Are you about to turn
Impatience into contentment
Can you make your fire burn

In such and such
And all those other ways