
Friday, 24 December 2021

Norfolk Quartet (4)

In abstensis
I am to leave you
Drive home
Record my movements
Recollect my thoughts
Upload my images
Then to pause, virtually
By the desk
By the computer
By the fullness of past times

Thursday, 23 December 2021

Norfolk Quartet (3)

Light before dawn
Light beyond dusk
Light for the silence
Temptations of musk
Light for the noise
Light for the entropy
Light for the continuum
Temptations of rum
Light for the garden
Light for the house

Wednesday, 22 December 2021

Norfolk Quartet (2)

Quietly, on open marsh
Listen closely
So so easy simply to be
Salt laden air
Enters the nostrils
Oh such memories of joy
Settled, free and easy
Alone, yet not lonely
Waiting for nothing
Except knowing full well

Tuesday, 21 December 2021

Norfolk Quartet (1)

In abstensis
I came to see you
To walk on your shorelines
To stroll through your Fenlands
To visit your country houses
To place myself
Among your grand estates
I was nourished, virtually
By the seas, by the winds
By the emptiness


Monday, 20 December 2021


We all pass this way just the once
Some take on knowledge
Some make confounding statements
But we all pass this way just the once

The fortunate may find fair weather
Enjoy a fortuitous, easy life
Others might continuously struggle
But we all pass this way just the once

There are days when the sandbanks are flooded
There are days when men take sleighs on ice
Then, for the fishermen, the salmon come home
But we all pass this way just the once

Some chap studied to become a solicitor
Some chap stepped into the shoes of Rome
Then the lucky one, dressed in silk, with a silver spoon
But we all pass this way just the once