
Saturday, 30 October 2021

Land & Imagination

Often I am alone
On the two-sided
Two-seater churchyard bench
But not today, no

For today it is a Sunday in June
When sons walk out with their mothers
And farm shops close, so no half-way
Provisions for this cyclist

I have flown across skies
Of this hue before
I have landed
In equally beautiful places

Where the tastes of youth
Attracted the flight
Where the lust of expectation 
Garnered the urgency


Friday, 29 October 2021

Country Roads

And in that one moment
The Larkin documentary
I too was swept off to Beverley
Also to Ampleforth Abbey

In that one moment
I had risen from the sofa
To feel the sunshine
Thinking about being
Among writing friends

Of course, as with love
I would find an element
Of argument and discontent 
Fury and absence
In the Basildon Bond

En route to Rosedale
I witnessed 
A small village funeral
Carried out with some style
Later, on a private drive

With calypso-coloured
I surreptitiously drove towards
A restored country house
And in that one moment

I had entered
A new world order
Built from the success
Of wistful, wishful, absent-minded
Sunday afternoon thinking

Thursday, 28 October 2021

Bread & Cheese

Still-life is still life isn’t it
Around the eggshell egg the air still moves
Inside the egg equilibrium tries to settle

On the reflective tray the tomatoes wait
If we also waited, if we waited long enough
The reflections change, change and decay

With a backdrop of nothingness
And a foreground, edged-off, much the same
What we see is in pure suspension

One artist did the decent thing
His objects hung (quince et al) on lengths of twine
Or string as we might say in the western world

The western world of the playboy
Who could well have featured in a still-life
That is, still life as a portrait

The playboy (the object) being hungover to dry
By the grip of his dominant father
Who may well have eaten the ploughman’s lunch

Which is the image, homed in on
In today’s exhibition

Wednesday, 27 October 2021

Ongoing Inkscape

I do not give up going to that place
That place of so so many places
Of many seashores
And many mountains
Of many fertile fields
And many baron deserts

I do not give up asking questions
Questions mostly of myself
Why do I choose to go there
Why do I need to go there
What do I hope to gather by going there
What do I hope to give you by going there

And, if as I hear
You want for nothing
What might that gift of
Nothing consist of
Do you honestly want to know nothing
Of my thoughts

Do you seriously want to know nothing
Of my actions
Is there truly nothing in my imagination
To interest you
Is there then nothing in my firmament
To convince you

Tuesday, 26 October 2021

Incomplete Escape,

Steel away
To the two-seater, two-sided chair
Steal away
To yesterday’s day’s awakenings
Doors opening, doors closing
Footsteps up and down the stairs
No more than an idea
Soft voices, distant voices, uncomplicated voices
Soft grass, dry grass, non-too difficult verges
Sit awhile
Sit a while longer
Take out your paper and pencil
Write of the imagination
How, nowadays
You can’t quite complete the picture
The sketch then has to be left half-undone
As, if you recall, was your way of doing
In most things which you tackled