
Sunday, 22 August 2021

Discovering Discoveries

Open hearted
I save the broken heart
For days gone by

At least that’s how I started
When I played the part
Of one who sits down to cry

I figured out the day we parted
Was when you saw the rising of the lark
And said you had to do this before you die

Just to break things up

Days of bought and days of sold
Stepping under, stepping over
To witness the story told and told
Stepping over, stepping under

Stepping under, stepping over
See the seascape of a love now cold
Stepping over, stepping under
That the wind blows daring one to be so bold

Just to bring things to a close

Saturday, 21 August 2021

Place To Page

Only the orange wilted
I myself was ok
And so too the crow

Only the moon waned
To gift a giant sun
With welcome winter warmth

Listen then to the stories
About this quiet phase of life
Going from place to page

Not knowing, nor being shown
Not owning, and not being owned
This season, nor next neither

The gull and the magpie
Are out walking, or should I say strutting
The lady with the stick, she strides on

I am here
I sure am no longer falling
As the walkers in the walking group walk on

Friday, 20 August 2021

Life, And Death

In that moment
I felt immortal
For one second
For one minute
For one hour
For that day

But not
For that night
Because, as darkness fell
I was on the cusp
All of my energies galvanised
For one final burst

I never felt such totality
Every muscle, every synapse
Every vein, every bone
Every nerve end tingled
Yet I know, yes, I do know
That I am not immortal

I shall wither and die
As will every other ever born
There will be no second coming
No new life, now the lessons have been learned
What has gone before was not a practice
Though, of what lays ahead, no one knows

Thursday, 19 August 2021

Various Variabilities

Her eyes fall on the red flag
Her sister’s faith dies away
What her swirling thoughts say
Is no more than volcanoes erupting

The distant cries act as kisses
Each headpiece thus adorned with love
There is no heed of the watchful wolf whistles
Only the silence stills the dancers

Beneath her gown her feet skip dainty pretty
Beneath her favour her heart leaps
The fear, too far away to shake her
She sways her soul to stray no more

A hundred shades of grey
Bring out the rose vermillion
A hundred cloths of ample daylight
Bring the scarlet to the freesia and the fuchsia

Wednesday, 18 August 2021

Why Couldn’t You

It was a landscape
In which I was settled
Every day
I re-assembled the fields
After the farmer’s work was done

Then, one morning
After another pagan ritual
It was I who gathered
The remains of the dying embers

Was I the first to rise
Or had others seen
The dark turn into light
Watched the foil tops being fitted
And the churns taken away

The snow
Was not here yet
But it would be calling

Play with me
Play with me

I am your nemesis