
Thursday, 25 March 2021

Sunshine Before One + Places To Be Sacred

Sunshine strikes, before
And after one

Memories of pikes
And pickled persimmon

Haze that raised
The shades of vermillion

Skies lit by the grace
Of readers defiled by Gideon

The words said no reminders
And you send none
To remind me

But I enjoy
Do I not
To think of you

You send me
Spaces to remind me

The words said
To burn
A sacrificial letter

I sent to you
The dust, it was
My super sacrificial gesture

Wednesday, 24 March 2021

If Not Used

Tonight, not quite
As darkness falls
The frost not thawed
Or if thawed
The frost re-frosted
The bronze
The marble
The tin and tambourine
Land of winter’s
Silver screen
The thoughts
Not thawed
Or if thawed
Thoughts re-thought
Soldiers, statues, fields
Of fallen clay
Not quite
More any other day
As darkness falls
If not used
At least you tried
Or did you lie
The iron
The stone
The crimson
Lost land of winter’s
Mist on mean
Chords of electric
Wire, unused
If not used
At least you plied
Or did you try

Tuesday, 23 March 2021

Town Folk + Side Stage

The platform straight and true
The locomotive there to take me to
Causeways of red and white and blue

The ticker-tape
The Shangri la
A countryside stream for my weeping jar

Railway porter ought your trade to pass
Not along the lines to slaughter
Away from wind lost lass

The ticker-tape
The home come welcome
I’ve missed you so much Ma

My townfolk
My northern star
You could have been…
The darkness

That lonely room
Useless space, frustration
No more to achieve
No other voices

The musicians
The magicians
The harlequins
Still and noiseless
Covered in dust

Despair enters
From the dark side
The stage lights
Are turned low
The gods also out of sight

As stories stay to remain untold

Monday, 22 March 2021

Who Goes There Goes There + But

It is not so dark now
Even in the darkest hours
That dark despair of despondency
That death of nights and empty gestures

The sun on my shoulders
The frost on the trees
It is not so dark now
Whosoever goes by

Who goes there goes there
I stand in my own place
The warmth through the blue sky
The peace of patience to share

You could have been…
But what about your brother

Yes, you could have been…
But what about your mother

Oh yes, you could have been…
But what about the others

Such a shame, surely you could have been…
But what about our band of brothers

Well perhaps instead, maybe you could have been…
But what about those fucker mothers

See you’ve seen, what you could have…

Sunday, 21 March 2021

What In Truth You Never Stole

You sing
Another tune to me
Through years of carers work
You’ve built around immunity

I am
Outside the you of me
After years of tyre tread to work
I’ve replaced me in the community

Credit a last line of mine
You have given me my soul
Given me my time
Given, what in truth you never stole

Perhaps money, or favoured possessions
On occasion others of apparent doubt
And distance too, so far from my pension
But with a voice I will work that out

So what is left for you
Where do you seek your surety
Your space so full of reason
Where do you go for your purity

With your cancer cross
With your poverty band
With your counsellor's hat
With your helper’s hand

Now I see it is not me
That’s trapped at all
My lack of confidence

To your lost romance
No, it is not mine
That tap on Duchamp’s wall