
Friday, 2 October 2020


not seeing

the room is white

until that red apple

Anita Virgil


I did not see the monk on fire

But I did see the stone in the kitchen

What was lost slowly returned

Locked away, perhaps

As a protective gesture

For not to see clearly

Could be more trouble

Than not to see at all

Yet, eventually

The full truth

I what will likely

Bring salvation

haiku mind

108 poems to

cultivate awareness 

& open your heart

is by Patricia Donegan

Thursday, 1 October 2020

The Sacred

      bright sun

the sheen of tall grass

    when it bends

Jim Kacian


Far better

To think of the sacred

In ordinary things

The pencil and paper

With which I write

The ceramic mug of tea

From which I drink

The laptop computer

A personal deity

Or life’s substitute

Also, out of doors

Where my partner

Plants potatoes

For future harvests

haiku mind

108 poems to

cultivate awareness 

& open your heart

is by Patricia Donegan

Wednesday, 30 September 2020

Shadow Side

Full winter moon:

the icicle

the icicle’s shadow

Geraldine Clinton Little


Up the hill

Onto the peninsula

Up the driveway

To the cottage

Snow is everywhere

We walk to Rutland Water

Past rooftops

Past church spires

Past the thatched house

With icicles, long icicles

Hanging from the window frames

Hanging from the door frame

Then on past trees

Past the post box

Through the fields

To the shoreline

With poachers acting as gamekeepers

Fishermen being as children

The frozen, icy water

Offering play for everyone

haiku mind

108 poems to

cultivate awareness 

& open your heart

is by Patricia Donegan

Tuesday, 29 September 2020


in dreams

and in awakening—

the colour of the iris



As if at the very end

The final dream

Before the final awakening

As if the need for explanation

Falls away

With the snow or the rain

Either will suit me

A last chance to smile

At the loss of my environment

Only then for the piano to be played

The brass band to form a semi-circle

And the pub singers to strike a chord

All to bless the pork pies

The cheese and pickle sandwiches

And the very finest Farmer’ Blonde real ale 

haiku mind

108 poems to

cultivate awareness 

& open your heart

is by Patricia Donegan

Monday, 28 September 2020

Children’s Innocence

shown a flower

the small baby

opens its mouth



On the very day

When I saw photographs

Of a happy smiling baby

On the other side

Of this grand old world

Her mother

And her grandmother, are flowers

Who radiate the beauty of happiness

Joy begets joy it’s true

Love of life is love itself

haiku mind

108 poems to

cultivate awareness 

& open your heart

is by Patricia Donegan