
Thursday, 17 September 2020


the homeless man

takes off his shoes before

his cardboard house

Penny Harter


I almost was that man

With his Paper House

Which the sea and the sand

Did their best to destroy

I took off my shoes

To wade through the water

In search of the dignity

So securely hidden there

haiku mind

108 poems to

cultivate awareness 

& open your heart

is by Patricia Donegan

Wednesday, 16 September 2020



people arguing over

the price of orchids

Shiki Masaoka


What value to put

On the bouquet

From your friend

A kindness

To remind

You, and those around you

Of the victories of love

Offered by the scents

From the blue vase roses

I will find

Your droplets of ink

Though I maybe already have

But first to love

It was the grace of love

Of which my meditation singer sang

Little purpose then

In going towards those unkind

Less favourable words

haiku mind

108 poems to

cultivate awareness 

& open your heart

is by Patricia Donegan

Tuesday, 15 September 2020

Dealing with Emotions

letting go

of a slanderous heart—

while shelling the beans

Hosai Ozaki


How often to write

Of letting go

How easy to have the thought

Of letting go

Yet how strong

The restraining force

More tricky

Than shelling a bean

The idea, the ideal

Of hanging on

Always to argue:

As a part of my life

The substance

Is worthy of preservation

But yes

No more slander

Open the pods to kindness

Shell the beans of love 

haiku mind

108 poems to

cultivate awareness 

& open your heart

is by Patricia Donegan

Monday, 14 September 2020

Acceptance of Death


I pass as all things

the dew on the grass



I won’t go so early

The polished shoes

Will not get wet

All those places

Spaces of living

Oh yes, a full life

By any measure

And still

With steps to tread

To think of tomorrow

There to sing the song

Walk me out in the Morning Dew

haiku mind

108 poems to

cultivate awareness 

& open your heart

is by Patricia Donegan

Sunday, 13 September 2020

Joy and Delight

  pig and i spring rain

Marlene Mountain


One line

Often enough


Of spring rain

And I and I

After meditation

One sound


My neighbourhood


Of the day’s work

Already begun

haiku mind

108 poems to

cultivate awareness 

& open your heart

is by Patricia Donegan