
Saturday, 12 September 2020


Holding the water,

      held by it—

the dark mud

William J. Higginson


At Forest Row

Or as a boy, in Birdsedge

To dam a stream

Or to photograph a lotus pond

Play, in both aspects

Brings a smile

A sense of purpose

Whereas before

For a short while

There was absence, boredom

Senseless days, wasted days

Broken free

By our plunging of the shutter

Or our moulding of the mud


haiku mind

108 poems to

cultivate awareness 

& open your heart

is by Patricia Donegan

Friday, 11 September 2020



piercing the rocks

the sound of cicadas

Bash Matsuo


Yes, we heard

Outside our hotel bedroom window

Among the vegetation

Beneath the dark night sky

Also under blue skies

On our way down the boardwalks

To the beach and to the sea

Where once again we could listen

Take in those sounds of joy

As well as the hub-hub

Of holidaymakers in communion


haiku mind

108 poems to

cultivate awareness 

& open your heart

is by Patricia Donegan

Thursday, 10 September 2020

Silence: Stillness

  saying nothing:

the guest, the host

the white chrysanthemum

Ryota Oshima


I am neither guest nor host

But rather a casual observer

Passing by at first

But then standing still

Sitting still

Breathing in

Breathing out

I have no flowers with me

Except in my imagination

Except in my heart

But I say nothing about this

Not to anyone

haiku mind

108 poems to

cultivate awareness 

& open your heart

is by Patricia Donegan

Wednesday, 9 September 2020

Beyond Boundaries

  across a rose fence—

a cat lover

a cat hater

Kazuo Sato


He was a partition dispute expert

Trying to bring together

Disparate, argumentative neighbours

Also he was a quantity surveyor

Trying to recover whatever costs

That I told him that we were due

A lifetime then spent by the both of us

On the Boundary, perhaps as sung by

The Duckworth Lewis Method

haiku mind

108 poems to

cultivate awareness 

& open your heart

is by Patricia Donegan

Tuesday, 8 September 2020

Seeking The Spiritual

The taste

      of rain

—Why kneel?

Jack Kerouac


You are right

I didn’t know

But now that I do

I am rather pleased

With the style

With the content

With the disobedience

I too tasted the rain

On dark nights

At the bus stop, under the trees

After the long downhill walk

From the cross-country railway station

I also was on a spiritual path

On my way

To see my two beautiful children

As many estranged fathers might


haiku mind

108 poems to

cultivate awareness 

& open your heart

is by Patricia Donegan