
Thursday, 7 August 2014


The vacuum cleaner masks the raging sea
The days cleaning awakened in earnest
Guests that pour out into the rain
The b&b landladies expectation

To be blown right off the pier
Take pictures for relation
Ships that pull closer
Over and out

Wednesday, 6 August 2014


A change in deportment
Ever so slightly withheld 
A feign to the existential

A well-practiced hand gesture
A gentle slow-roll of the wrist
Waves the ladies on through

Tuesday, 5 August 2014


Slow down, almost to a stop
No please, keep walking
Kick the pebble, with nonchalance
From the tar-macadam pavement
Onto the miserable dried-out grass verge

Monday, 4 August 2014

Duty Free

Polished tiles bounce the silence
Amplify & amplify again
The still sounds of nothing

Except the smile
Of the small boys excitement
As his father
Shows him the big aeroplanes

This poem is from the collection 

Sunday, 3 August 2014

Out of Sun

Pebbles picked
Picked & inspected
By the young woman
In azure-blue bikini

Pebbles picked
Picked & inspected
As though all of life itself
Had been washed ashore

Easy to be romantic
Blue sky, gentle waves
Reflected warmth, from
Worn-away sandstone pillars

In the speedboats jet-stream
Hang the plumes of destiny
A race of sorts
From here to there, or thereabouts

One deep and final breath
Beneath the Faberge shade
Negligence would be, would it not
To be unfaithful to beauty & love

This poem is from the collection