
Friday, 2 May 2014


I forget how many times I've turned over for passion
Or was it for compassionate leave

To grieve for nights that wander by no more

Or was it, for some misguided reason
To try and even up the score

This is a poem from Vagaries:
Love of The Key to Room 149
Available as ebook from Kindle
or as a homemade print book and audio cd from  poetryshop

Thursday, 1 May 2014

Chimes Café

Some places get it just on right
With cream & green & rattan
The aroma of the baking
Travels with the light

The old cottage window
Preserved from the past
Candlesticks and flowers
Nought that moves too fast

The coffee & the flapjack
Tiled roof’s up to the sky
Another makeshift morning
Slow time; simply wandering by

This is a poem from Vagaries:
Love of The Key to Room 149
Available as ebook from Kindle
or as a homemade print book and audio cd from  poetryshop

Wednesday, 30 April 2014


The cloth is cut
By a utilitarian

Breakfast cooked
By a journeyman

Out of the window
A dual-carriageway

Where are the songs
& the time to play

So contrived; the roll
Of out of focus flowers

On the bedroom wall
Hinting at a quieter hour

This is a poem from Vagaries:
Love of The Key to Room 149
Available as ebook from Kindle
or as a homemade print book and audio cd from  poetryshop

Tuesday, 29 April 2014


Her physical size
In the apparition
Brings a comfort
Also her just ease
At following, ever
So slightly behind

As you, somewhat 
More pronounced
Opened your heart
And the three of us
Strode out, off into
The full day’s sun

This is a poem from Vagaries:
Love of The Key to Room 149
Available as ebook from Kindle
or as a homemade print book and audio cd from  poetryshop

Monday, 28 April 2014


There was a photograph
Of the Italian restaurant
At the cross roads of Regents Street and Piccadilly

There was a photograph
Of the red lighthouse
Where we listened to the historian & film maker

These are in a magazine
Issued free to hotel guests
Partly to celebrate the area, also so that travellers 
May feel more at home in their retereat surroundings

We had eaten in the very same San Carlo Cicchetti
It was the occasion of my sixty-first birthday
We drank a glass of forty-nine pounds a bottle Barolo wine
Passed on a taste of our dish, to the Irish American travellers

We had met the historian and film maker by that red
Lighthouse, near the wobbly statues at South Shields
We were n our way to the Hebridean Isles via Sunderland
Edinburgh, Findhorn and Ullapool; he gave me a business card

Such that memories are remembered, in half-empty
Hotel rooms; such that triggers are triggered again
Wherever and whenever the sun goes down

This is a poem from Vagaries:
Love of The Key to Room 149
Available as ebook from Kindle
or as a homemade print book and audio cd from  poetryshop