
Tuesday, 25 March 2014


The tears have dried in the stillness
As if yet the silence might roar
In some distant time
In some instantaneously infamous place

It is I think a good question:

Did she ever read the Italo Calvino
Six Memos for the Millennium I mean
A present that I gave her

Did she pick up her pen & write
As I asked of her. Did I appreciate
The beauty that she introduced me to

Do we unfairly put upon our lovers
Do we overload, with expectations
Our friends, relatives, employers and patrons

These I think are good questions:

Did she share my views, my sensitivities
My desires
My incomprehensible flirtations

Did I empathise, or collaborate
Or listen, or co-operate or in any way
By being useful or helpful

The good questions just keep on coming:

Should I expect you to understand how we were
Does it matter that you did not know us
Neither to understand, how & why we were together

If though I tell you; of boating lakes & outdoor
Moonlit Shakespearean theatre, tell you, of vacations
& soft seashores; nights of passionate lovemaking

Does that that require further good questions

I tell you all of this so that you may work out; why we
Are estranged; why we did not communicate
Also to tell me, if, after eight years apart

Is this an unhealthy obsession, have I missed my
Way on the path of grieving, or is it healthy, and
Reasonable to still pour out these words of love lost

This is the last of the good questions, the rest is up to you

This is a poem from Vagaries:
Love of The Key to Room 149
Available as ebook from Kindle
or as a homemade print book and audio cd from  poetryshop

Monday, 24 March 2014


I wouldn’t take it past the line end
Unless I was certain of my position
Better to be unsure
Better than being mellow

I wouldn’t try to find a rhymed blend
Other than the strength of my indecision
Better to be blue
Better than being yellow

I wouldn’t close or sign the letter off
Without the crisscross of my derision
Better to be lured
Better than being a good fellow

This is a poem from Vagaries:
Love of The Key to Room 149
Available as ebook from Kindle
or as a homemade print book and audio cd from  poetryshop

Sunday, 23 March 2014

Transit Stop

Even while doing nothing
One wants to do less
As we worry and bother
We settle for the stress

That first caress, nevertheless
Carries a rare perfume
Unzipping her dress
In a warm, candlelit room

The tune is minimalist
Piano played; key by key
Out across the runway mist
Nothing more, but, I want to be

Redeemed by the deeper kiss
Whose mistress knows no bounds
Her sounds float towards the bliss
Infiniteness, from sky to ground

That we found in his mind, by
A kind meditation, on the curved
Crescent of a station, sensations
Of pasts, absorbed by those present

This is a poem from Vagaries:
Love of The Key to Room 149
Available as ebook from Kindle
or as a homemade print book and audio cd from  poetryshop

Saturday, 22 March 2014


Her legs move, as would a lovers legs
She begs to stretch out
To the tips of her extremities

There is a small delay
As if the dream
Is warning the stroll of her fingers

She lingers, takes time out
To check her nails; she fails
Entirely to distract my attention

I only mention this
As an old man in an airport
With all the while to cream off

The edges of his youth
Long past searching for truth
He is becoming a fan of erotica

This is a poem from Vagaries:
Love of The Key to Room 149
Available as ebook from Kindle
or as a homemade print book and audio cd from  poetryshop

Friday, 21 March 2014

R & R

Almost the final patrons
In the university museum cafe
Until two sisters enter

Glasses, worn for indignation
Which may soon be released
If the counter staff do not return

Why would I make it difficult
Keep it sweet, keep it short
Keep it within the limitations

I often make ill defined connections
From this obscurity to that, from
One nowhere circumstance, to another

As in the letters
Where the flow is lost;
One river stops

One river starts
Discontinuing their
Breaks in continuity

Where tired shoes tramp off
Without guidance; their footfalls
Fall where footfalls have always fallen

Stolen, from the lack of a campaign
Without cause enough to believe in
As if to say: Yes, I am treading water

This is a poem from Vagaries:
Love of The Key to Room 149
Available as ebook from Kindle
or as a homemade print book and audio cd from  poetryshop