
Sunday, 26 January 2014


I think it is the French connection
Yes that long glass of Kronenburg 1664
Ice cold larger in the blaze of a setting sun
Always I guess we are taken back
That is what time on our own provides
I hope it does the same for you
So let's go back to the Gaelic persuasion
To summer nights by St Ives harbour
A few beers and chilled white wine
A meal with artful conversation
Out then into the midnight air
Onto the seashore; kissing, skipping
No wonder occasionally we take a drink
Especially from the French connection

This is a poem from Filmic: Love of Our World of Purples & Blues

Available as ebook from Kindle
or as a homemade print book, and audio cd from  poetryshop 

Saturday, 25 January 2014


Sun sets
In deep resplendent red
Over the distant range
Of silhouette hills

Geese chuckle madly
Through the cusp
Of day and dusk

The evening primrose
Commences its rapid movement

The night at Emerson College
Is thus remembered
All the while I try to calm myself
After a workplace altercation

This is a poem from Filmic: Love of Our World of Purples & Blues

Available as ebook from Kindle
or as a homemade print book, and audio cd from  poetryshop 

Friday, 24 January 2014

Write of Love

I only want to write of love
If I might ever be able to re-create
Such absolute moments of earlier presences
As I sit here, with ease of time
To reflect, later in my life

I don't want to write specifically of those times
Rather I want to explore what is in that thing
Called love; love that flowed freely through
My veins and right now, as I sit at this table
What is in that thing called love
That brings me to another joyous embarkation

I am not tired of love, but I am tired
Physically, and mentally, tired
I begin to doze behind the wheel
I enter that dream space of love
Between existence, pre-existence and post-existence
The motorways I travel are loves endless corridors
A space where past memories happily co-exist
Beside the soundtracks of Motown and Woodstock

Would I benefit from a warm massage
To luxuriate in the love of oils, aromas
Atmospherics and the surer love
Rub of soft skin on soft skin
Would that shaft of sunlight
Falling on to the green trees
Of a north country castle morning
Would that, and the clear blue sky
Be remembered every time I hear

This is a poem from Filmic: Love of Our World of Purples & Blues

Available as ebook from Kindle
or as a homemade print book, and audio cd from  poetryshop 

Thursday, 23 January 2014

No One

At first you hear nothing
Then the passing of a single automobile
Effectively disturbs you

At first you remember no one
Then the passing of a car reminds you
Of that amorous trip to London

At first you sought out
Fast and loose excitement
Now peace and quiet is what eludes you

Sit at the second floor window
Sit and stare into half apparent
Darkness; at first hear nothing

At first think of no one
Where then better, to let the nights
Certain intensities begin

This is a poem from Filmic: Love of Our World of Purples & Blues

Available as ebook from Kindle
or as a homemade print book, and audio cd from  poetryshop 

Wednesday, 22 January 2014


A desirous, uncontrollable, urge; fingers tap on the letter symbols. I wish to talk with you, I wish to talk with me. But more than talk; to also enter that place of arms around shoulders, that space of camaraderie, to wear and intertwine with the firebrand intensity of lustful love.

Prayers, incantations, meditations; call them as you will, but call them from being immersed within, and not from being that shallow insignificant observer without. I walked on through the tiredness, I tapped my symbolic witness into the virtual keyboard, these are shared words now, just as we shared the pleasures of snowfall a year gone by last winter.

How else to say, only yes I have ordered the book about description; I will return through the swathes of orange and crimson poppies, I will again walk sideways down the hill, towards the pink and private chapel. But for now, just as the pace was taking over I will draw the night to a close, I am to warmly celebrate my naked body, among the finest of Egyptian cotton bedsheets; a good goodnight to you all

This is a poem from Filmic: Love of Our World of Purples & Blues

Available as ebook from Kindle
or as a homemade print book, and audio cd from  poetryshop