
Wednesday, 6 June 2012


It was a kissing night
Kissing, kissing, kissing
Several days of kisses
Then a final kiss
Pressed against the ancient tree
You with that broken look in your eyes

A sorrowful damaged look
Though a look which finally said
Yes, now, eventually
I do so want to kiss you

a poem from In & Out of Dream Space Love Embellished by Visitations click anywhere on the text for details

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Folded Cold

Why write the poetry
Read at all of doubt
Small wonder you wonder

To unlock
Past perhaps possessions
To confess
Per chance regress

The undressed balance
…Could it be
A list

A letter
Or aide memoir
A memo
Even better

Bold as
Tabloid stationary

This poem is from the collection East of Lincoln Central available now on kindle - click on the text for details

Monday, 4 June 2012


Lindens in that place above, below
Shared by earth and sky
Sapling by sapling with the Rowans
Set back, set forth of the Weeping Willow
Born of timeless barks shadows on the Silver Birch

Would that these definitive species
Say something equal of me
As with your butterfly
That entered on the waft
Of summers midday breeze

Tea served on a companions tray
New friendship, hostess and traveller
An overnight guest; we walk a parkland walk
Soft talk, dreams blended with meditations

Back at the piano, Satie's Gymnopedie
Pages turn on the symmetrical score
Gardens with lilacs, roses in bloom
Iced Martini, lemonade too, brimming over
Conversation; preparation for the after dark

A meal of suggestive spices, delicately laced
At table, wine with impeccable taste
The best of clothes, perfume chosen
More than to say hello, before candlelight casts
Shadows where only our shadows are allowed to go

a poem from In & Out of Dream Space Love Embellished by Visitations click anywhere on the text for details

Sunday, 3 June 2012

Supplements for all

That was
A bit odd
Don't you think

The Saturday news
A Thursday evening

The internet’s strange
A purveyor of what
Right now is happening

Before it's happened, then
Brings news half
A week after the event

…My mother's letters
They too were often
A week or so

In the writing
Then a few days more
Until she caught the post

Except those times
When the advertisement for
The Shackleton High Chair

Or the flyer for the
Dolphin Walk in Shower Bath
Took her eye

Surprised most of all were
The younger generation
Odd that we should think

That desire belongs the chosen youthful few
Odd that we are uneasy with the concept
Of the old not being ill at ease

Happy they too with advertised
Collections of China Dolls &
China Thimbles

With Saturdays post
And other days news
Left unopened

On the sideboard; lying beside
The well thumbed
Weekend supplements

As the repeats
Of previous repeats
Are replayed over

This poem is from the collection East of Lincoln Central available now on kindle - click on the text for details

Saturday, 2 June 2012

Heaviness of Light

I send you this splash of wave
Ask only that your letter distills the droplets found
Deep of sound unbound within
Make pure gin of the hope and the hip hip hooray
You are coming to stay, if I am to have my way

I send you this chaos theory of a rectangular box
Ask that your fractals are light beams to bounce
Pronounced to climb and creep within
May pebbles skim on the pond like sea-swells
To tell of sands & play, dare that we share one day

Gifts from a time with time to contemplate
It is late, later somehow in the dark lined room
With the music of Anouar Brahem on the waves
Caves of grave generations without and within
May the perimeter of string pray to defeat delay
Travel with the fairies, dance with the fray

Only in profound isolation
May my imaginations venture and climb
Soak up the rhythms; redefine denial, of that long
That long last loss, that one denied lost of longing resigned

a poem from In & Out of Dream Space
Love Embellished by Visitations click anywhere on
the text for details