
Friday 22 March 2024

Light Headed

Could be just coincidence

Incandescent, irreverent coincidence

Elemental, heaven sent

But there’s got to be more, more to it

More than innocent

Innocent collisions

Driving these decisions

Then again, someone said

Seven stories told

No more to unfold

Whether the pages are paper, papyrus or gold

But there’s got to be more, more to it

More than lost civilisations

Civilisation's, civilised creations

Creating these precise incisions

Well soon, so they say, we'll all be ether

Moments passed

Memories lapsed

Neither you, nor me, nor our soft, soft breath

But there’s got to be more, more to it

More than these poet’s predilections

Their convictions and descriptions

Describing their alchemic prescriptions 

So I move my arm sideways

Through the fine air

Demonstrative, debonair 

Yes, ether it’s me, or it is the Corsair