
Tuesday 22 August 2023

Happy Day

By chance you happened

Upon a black lake walk
Shearwaters of reflection

Reflecting one more magical moment
The flight of the partridge

And the excited young collie
Soul refreshed, hope rebirth

Underfoot the twig leafs crackled
Ethereal and eternity

Thank heaven for spontaneity
Meander among the coriander

Hands blessing vision and line
Bright light out of beauty

Splish-splash, light onto beech leaf
Sing and bring good to good times

Sing, bring good once again
Playful seeker of pleasure

Hedonism out of Ithaca returned
Bountiful protector

Of the prosaic presenter
Wish for mirth, wish

Shear essence, fluorescence of joy

Atmosphere emerging

Resurgence of energy amongst enigma
Pretence is the maker of dreams

Protect the rabbits of Bethlehem
Mend, cognisance blends

Mindful of love, innocent in joy
Sorting, becoming

Of images past, captured, enraptured
Floodlights on memories

Provoking, freeing fresh thought
Waltzing Matilda

And whirling swirling dancing tunes

Runes without time

Blooms without blinds
Meditation, a lover’s medication

Dedication, sealing, healing

Revealing feathers and plumes

Honed and groomed
Walking back along the pathways

Holding spaces; minutiae

Binding moments into aspherical wholes
Believing the fragments of fortune blessed

To fall in this spectacular, peculiar

Non-perfunctory kind of way