
Monday 11 February 2019


I have come into the Bow room
Because someone is sat by the window
At the top of the turn of the stairs

This is, as you might expect, a quiet place
Four quite substantial Georgian windows
Two doors, on the opposite wall

One of the doors is blocked off
By the teacher's raised sitting platform
The other is both entrance and fire escape

I have this luxury of silence
Yet downstairs, in the lounge
A group of people work on a jigsaw puzzle

That, as you might expect, is not my thing
People milling about, noisily socialising
Even wanting to know where everyone is from

Better to be up here with the dry logs
In the old, for decoration only, fireplace
Silver Birch always was my favourite, wasn’t it

I am staying in Fir Three
Which is neither tall or spread out
Nor is it at all en-suite

Which is exactly what I would recommend
Though you might have to cross the road
To book in at Kilnwick Percy Resort!

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