
Monday 28 February 2022

Final Tenancy - For The Pub Landlord’s Son

How light is the day
Without a trouble to care for
How far is the sight
From there to the seashore

How human the slight
When choosing the decor
How high flies the kite
When we opened the White Door

How the aircraft offered delight
To follow the marks on the cabin floor
No more panic, or freeze, or fight, or flight
Nothing stored away as then with the rip-roar


Sunday 27 February 2022

It Ain’t Heavy - It’s My Computer

Don’t follow the conversation
Return to your own thoughts
Don’t listen to the singer
Write out your own lyrics

Don’t look at the bald man
Typing on his laptop
Think of your own programmes
On the luggable Mac

Yes, cast back to the graphs
Which you thought told the story
Think of the colour wheel
Where you believed in contrasting colours

Do not focus on the small memory
Or your complete data wipe-out
Think that you too can stroke
Your overgrown facial hair


Saturday 26 February 2022

Impatient - Moving On

Even today
I have continued the habit
Of starting the next task
Before finishing the last

I hadn’t completed the poetry
When I decided to go into town
I had not typed up the darkness
When I thought to chase the light

Also, I didn’t pack the iPhone
Into my shoulder bag
So these past four thousand steps
Will not be counted

But hey ho
The caramel waffles
Settled the score
Before the match had even started


Friday 25 February 2022

First Day Induction - Final Day Ceremony

The day of the novice
With a new life
Of dedication ahead

How to take this step
To enter into another family
What to leave behind

Stood on the wooden floor
Listening to the sound of the meditation bell
Watching the cremation’s wood burning

Thinking of love
Of all the love known
Of all the love gifted and given

How to take the next step
To find a new mind for memory
To visualise a subtle sublime emptiness

Stood on the mother earth
Listening to the breath
The in-breath and the out-breath

Thinking of love
Of all of the loving kindness
On this day, and the coming days ahead


Thursday 24 February 2022

Mindful - Joyful

On this day you passed away
You, Thich Nhat Hahn
My second grandfather

In your 95th year
A new end to your meditations

Calm, Ease, Smile, Breathe
Present moment
Beautiful moment

Breathe in
Breathe, breathe out