
Tuesday 5 March 2019

Twenty Five

Sunlight, slight breeze
Green leaves
Evergreen green leaves

A carpet to lay on
A wall, a door, a window
A book of silence

In transit
My body mass index
My reflexologist massaged feet
My, still-aching, frozen shoulder

Available at Amazon

Monday 4 March 2019

Twenty Four

The blandness
Of the strawberries, of the blueberries
Of the Icelandic style yoghurt
Only the toothache
Brought about any excitement

Yet before this
Fifteen minutes in the hot tub
Then to perspire profusely
Having been taken
Into a warm place

Available at Amazon

Sunday 3 March 2019

Twenty Three

Day 1
The first fish of the day
On the line
In the net
Hook carefully removed
Photograph taken
(Of fish held by eldest son)
Fish returned to the water
Ripples on the lake

Day 2
The first fish of the day
On the line
In the net
Hook carefully removed
Photograph taken
(Of fish held by eldest son)
Fish returned to the water
Ripples on the lake

Available at Amazon

Saturday 2 March 2019

Twenty Two

He walks on the skyline
He walks on the sea to sand line
He walks on the field line
He walks, he walks

He talks of the past time
He talks of the here and now time
He talks of the future time
He talks and he talks

I have little choice
In the fragility of the silence
If someone comes along
Then someone comes along

If they choose to speak loudly
Then they choose to speak loudly
Yet I myself
I can go about my day quietly

I can sit, I can meditate
Or soak in my morning bath
Or, as right now
I can pen a few lines, simply for myself

Available at Amazon

Friday 1 March 2019

Twenty One

I am in the main meditation room
I open the window shutters a little
To let in the morning light

Outside I hear laughter
I have heard a deal of laughter
Or should I call it nervous energy

For I see a lot of young people
Young girls in particular
From France, or maybe further away

What are they running from
Where are they running to
I say running

Because it is
What they
So so very often do

Available at Amazon