
Tuesday 26 July 2016


The silver bark
Of the silver birch
The golden leaf
Of England's church

The native lark
Of natures morn
The tied up sheaf
Of country sworn

available on kindle

Monday 25 July 2016


We walk on the wall tops
Between promenade and sea
Beneath silver moonlit clouds
Reflecting the castle on the waves

We turn, and then turn again
To be the harlequins of the night
Clothed in silk and braid and velvet
Dancing to the dark oceans rhythms

I never would have flown,
Or made such a wondrous leap
If love that came calling had not been
So damned well beautifully overwhelming

We walk the cities streets, sodium
On the spires, halogen on the fountains
We see the polished balls roll on green baize
With their cue masters settled in the cloisters

We turn, and then turn again
To be favourites of the famous
Graciously groomed and prepared
Singing with those sisters of harmony

available on kindle

Sunday 24 July 2016


I watched you write
In your smart striped suit
Thinking, as one might
I’d rather like those boots

Your hands so slow
With eyes set keen
We sit in rows, now
Where have you been

You pause for a drink
Also me, yes this is me
I will not sink
Can’t you see

The echoes fall
Resoundingly so
You make your call
I, I have to go

available on kindle

Saturday 23 July 2016


The canal surface is calm
The wind turbines are still
The power station is quiet
The morning mist is lying
And what about you
And what about me

available on kindle

Friday 22 July 2016


A door finds its own place of rest
This need not be fully open, nor fully closed
The natural position will depend on many things:

The geometry, set up by the skill of the craftsman
When the door was hung, and balanced upon its hinges

The forces at play, perhaps a draught through a nearby passage
A rug, or carpet, or loose flooring that creates friction at the underside

The weight, and the fortitude of the door, which brings its own resilience
Enables its own inherent ability to stay put where it determines to stay put

If we wish to have the door fully open, or fully closed
We may have to employ additional methods or mechanisms:

A jam to wedge beneath, probably with a gripping and kicking routine
Or a weighty stop, a cast iron relic, that is given to lazily lay in a leaning posture

A catch to catch upon a hook, or a latch with a push or a slam to assist the location
Maybe also with a key-lock, or bolt, which raises security, to a purposeful higher plane

available on kindle