
Saturday 4 July 2015


Mostly I have been holding back
Most times I don't half-near say
What it is I wanted to say

There is another place where I write
Passionate poetry
Yet even there I am unable to scream
I am unable to tear
At the words of  anguish & love &
Despondency & life & pleasure &
Wonder & fun; I am just unable

I am unable, unable to find the words
That remind me
That remind me of your skin, your
Breath, your touch, you hands, your
Toes, your knees, your thighs
I am unable to find these words
I am unable to revisit those places

And on this snowy morning I am
Unable to think about how it is to cry
To scream, to tear, to rage; I am unable
Even to think of the words that might
Say these things to me, I am unable
To even think how I might beat the floor
Or beat my brains, or beat every rhythm
In my hurt hurt heart, I am unable

And as the traffic slows & the nerves
Frazzle & the head aches & the tummy
Gives rise to the nauseous taste of sick
O for those mornings, when the sun shone
When life shone, when I shone; o for
Those mornings, will I ever find
Those words again, why am I unable

Will the breath return, will the peace
Return, will the time return, will
The thoughts and the hopes, will
They all return, will I once again be
Freed from being unable

Friday 3 July 2015


Her smile is
The smile of the morning
The smile of 
One who is cared for
The smile of one who is caring

Her laughter
And that playful turn of phrase
'Just stop it' 'just stop it'
Why shouldn't I be happy
With her smile, and her turn of phrase


Here I find a calm, our quiet lounge
With sunlight and slow-wave shadows

The whistle of the wind
At the ill-fitted door behind me
At the smart wood-burner in front of me
Enclosed in its luminous green cave

The shadows are of the trees, outside in the garden
They move in the breeze; pardon Monsieur, pardon
Based on these moments alone the decision would be easy

You are asleep, warm
With a love, tender and caring
Gifting me this time
Gifting me this peaceful place

The doubts are of my own making, inside my mind; they move
With the dark and the daylight, they move on my man, they move on

Thursday 2 July 2015

She Carried His Gift

I might have gifted you the flowers
You might have given me your smile
For all the miles and miles of smiles on flowers
We might have carried on skipping

Skinny dip, by the lune and by the lea
Tripping all over, away from absolving powers
I might have gifted you the flowers
You might have shifted me your smile

Wednesday 1 July 2015


Her smile
Your spaghetti
Her life
Your Serengeti
In time to seize

Is this a pose
Did you forget me
Her energy rose
By the gift
Of the Bugatti breeze